Kentucky has nothing to complain about

I'm going to be a contrarian here. I think the Kentucky legislature has made a perfectly sensible budget decision.

Here's the deal: in the current budget, a couple of interesting decisions have been made.

Funding for K-12 education: -$50 million

Tax breaks for the Ark Park: +$43 million

Highway improvements for the Ark Park: +$11 million

See? Almost perfectly balanced: all the money handed over to creationists is taken away from education.

And it makes perfect sense, too. It's not as if the next generation might need a high school diploma to take advantage of the employment opportunities provided by Answers in Genesis. In fact, it's probably a selling point to the creationists to have an especially ignorant work force already in place.

Good work, Governor Beshear!

(Also on FtB)

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