Friday Cephalopod: The virtues of a distributed nervous system


The bulk of an octopus's nervous system is not in its brain, but its arms. So scientists have studied isolated octopus arms and found that they retain substantial responsiveness to the environment.

It's depressing. I love eating big molluscs, but I've had to cut them out of my diet because there is just too much intelligence there. I'm going to have to cut out pork, too. Chickens are OK? Well, I'm cutting back there, too.

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Hey, this reminds me of the time that you mocked the murder of a Korean woman because she was force-fed a live octopus.

By Jackfruit (not verified) on 01 Sep 2013 #permalink

Mocking is not how I remember that.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 01 Sep 2013 #permalink

@jackfruit +David: O M G !!!

By Andrew Alexander (not verified) on 03 Sep 2013 #permalink

Yeah - it was easier for me to give up calimari - I like it but it's not something I can do regularly anyway. Pork is harder.

Thank God chickens is dumb - {G}!