Mary's Monday Metazoan: Is yours this pretty?

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Cats are so undignified, yowling and screeching and spraying urine all over the place. They should take a lesson from the noble sea cucumber, rising erect, proud and firm from the sea floor, and quietly, affirmatively ejaculating long voluminous streams of gametes that gaily wave from the tip, like…
Ok, to date, all the paraites I've mentioned are invertebrates. So, to be fair, I'm going to make the next two weeks parasites that are vertebrates - after all, it's not like having a backbone makes you somehow a nicer animal. Take the pearlfish. I first heard about the pearlfish in my freshman…
Here we go again! Who is cooler, Echinoderms or Molluscs? You decide for yourself, but I have decided a long time ago: Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber
The Galapagos National Park announced last week that the Ecuadorian government will open sea cucumber fishing in the Galapagos Islands beginning on June 25th for 50 days or two million sea cucumbers, whichever comes first. This news is a disappointment to many conservationists in the islands and…