Botanical Wednesday: Feed me!


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Oh, come now. Are they just taunting me, waving a bit of succulent red meat before and begging me to bite? Should topics such as creationism or intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside the theory of evolution? 85% say yes. I cannot believe that 85% of the population are that stupid…
It really is one of the great culinary techniques, and yet it's almost never used. I'm talking about salt roasting, and Russ Parsons has put together a lovely introduction to the subject. Basically, you bury a piece of protein in a mound of kosher salt. Put the dish in a hot oven and bake for 20…
You say tomato, I say tomalley . Tomalley. Mmmmmm... That is the green yeck inside the body of a lobster that seems to be neither muscle or organ. But you can eat it and it tastes good. But don't eat it for now if your lobster is from Maine... The Maine Center for Disease Control said Friday…

oooh looks like a kalachoe

By brightmoon (not verified) on 31 Oct 2013 #permalink

kalanchoe (must learn to type

By brightmoon (not verified) on 31 Oct 2013 #permalink