Friday Cephalopod: The stars will be in alignment on 16 September; the Great Old One will rise

Prepare yourself.


The Te Papa Museum of New Zealand has a new specimen locked in a vault: a colossal squid that will be thawed and dissected (they think!) on streaming video.

Here is the necromantic chamber.


Wait! No protective runes, no array of emergency thuribles, no pentagram, no mysterious idols of jade and obsidian? This may not go well.

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You might remember that last week, I wrote about the colossal squid, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, that had been captured in Antarctica's Ross Sea in early February. This squid, which is three times the length of the average bus (see graphic, left; courtesy of BBC News), was frozen and transported to…
The colossal squid that was caught last year is in the process of being thawed prior to a public dissection. The Te Papa Museum of New Zealand is pulling out all the stops and are going to have webcams recording every step of the process — the schedule of events is online. I'll be watching. This…
Teuthologist Dr. Steve O'Shea and Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, the colossal squid. Photo credit: Kathrin Bolstad Monster squid hunter extraordinaire Dr. Steve O'Shea will be dissecting giant and colossal squids and it will be webcasted LIVE from Te Papa Museum in New Zealand. It will be an event-…
Take a few moments to let the size of the Colossal Squid really sink in In my absence for a body size evolution workshop and during Peter's coral week spectacular the media took the opportunity to spread disinformation about my favorite phyla-Mollusca. To bring you up to speed, a crack team of…

Now we know where Bob Howard needs to be next Tuesday...

I presume they kept the deep fryer and the sushi knives conveniently out of shot for that picture.

By Robert Sneddon (not verified) on 20 Sep 2014 #permalink