Friday Cephalopod: There's something hypnotic about it

You can stop emailing me now. Everyone on the planet has seen Opisthoteuthis adorabilis, fallen in love, and demanded that I feature it in a Friday Cephalopod. OK!

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It's still Friday, isn't it? Some of you have noticed there was some screw-up in post scheduling, which has been fixed now…and here at last is the Friday Cephalopod. Sepia sp. Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
I wish I could be there this Friday — this sounds like an extremely cool art gallery event, sponsored by the Cephalopod Appreciation Society. See, Seattle gets a whole society, while Morris just gets me, sitting in a corner, pining for molluscs. If you're in Seattle, you should go. Tell 'em I sent…
This was something of a lost weekend for me, with a lot of behind-the-scenes distractions, so I forgot to put up a Friday Cephalopod. So here's a belated Monday Cephalopod to make up for it all. Amin's Photos
Wonderpus is a spectacular cephalopod that has appeared a few times on the Friday Cephalopod. How can you forget an octopus with this kind of psychedelic color? Wunderpus photogenicus Now a reader has sent me a link to the formal taxonomic description of Wunderpus photogenicus, and we can get more…

I don't need to fucking email you. Fuck you bitch

Someone really hates octopodes!

By Double Shelix (not verified) on 22 Jun 2015 #permalink