Mary's Monday Metazoan: Long pig preferred

I'm going to stay away from Mary for a while. It was a busy weekend for both of us, we're both really tired, and then she sends me this as an appropriate organism. I'm trying to read the message in sending a picture of a botfly to your spouse.

Don't panic, here's the cure: bacon.


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Wouldn't you worry about trading the botflies for trichinosis?

my gram used to remove splinters with fatback .. I still use that idea but I made it a little safer by putting salad oil on a wet Band-aid with salt

wet bandaid with water. pour salt in a small mound . make sure the salt is wet then pour a little corn oil on bandaid ..splinter will come out in less than 3-4 hours

By brightmoon (not verified) on 15 Jul 2015 #permalink