Mary's Monday Metazoan: It's that time of year again



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tags: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Living Bird magazine The quarterly magazine, Living Bird, that is published by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, is now available online for free. It includes stories (some are "web only"), streaming video and lots of wonderful images for you to enjoy.
I think animal sounds are sorely underutilized in music. I have thought that ever since first hearing the lovely introductory sounds in Lemon Jelly's A Tune for Jack (2001): I wondered: why don't more bands do this? The sounds of animals are good for the soul and, as animals become less and less…
In honor of our most beloved Thanksgiving dinner guest: Despite their rather large stature, ranging from 2.5-10.8 kg, wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) can fly as seen in this video: For more information about turkeys:Cornell Lab of Ornithology
tags: faith-based birding, mass hysteria, endangered species, extinct species, conservation, politics, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Campephilus principalis, IBWO, ornithology, birds,,peer-reviewed research, peer-reviewed paper The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has posted a reward of…

I usually only see "Dog day" cicadas around here, plenty loud. One of those was in an alternate color, orange replacing the usual green.