It's easy to find lists of dumb things creationists say, and I'm familiar with that lot, but here's a fun new time-waster: Things Anti-Vaxxers Say. Here's a beautiful example of something I've rarely seen so clearly stated: they get the facts totally wrong, actually the reverse of the actual situation, but nope, that doesn't stop them from inventing a bogus rationalization around them.

Uh-oh. I have 22 other chromosomes besides my sex chromosomes (I've actually seen them!), and…they're all in pairs. I'm doomed.
But wait! I only have one X chromosome! I'm saved by the reduction in its pernicious influence!
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Right, the fact that men have two X chromosomes is what reduces their risk of color blindness, hemophilia, and other X-linked diseases. But at what cost????
A tiny flaw in the anti-vaxxers "argument" is that boys have an X and a Y chromosome, whereas girls have two X chromosomes. So the argument fails due to the invalid assumptions, right at the beginning.
Even if the X chromosome were in some way "shaky" (whatever that means, I can't find it anywhere in a biology textbook), then that would mean that GIRLS are at more risk.
But never let the facts get in the way of a good Scare-mongering, hey?
Once he realizes he got his X and Y crossed, I'm sure he'll find some other rationalization. When you start with Truth, evidence is whatever supports it, even when it doesn't.
The rationalisations used by anti-vaxxers are closely analogous to those used by anti-evolutionists AND the worst climate-change-deniers. Shaky premises, false "facts" and twisting away from counter-arguments.