October 24, 2010
Oh yes there are, although I can't read a word of the Bangladesh atheist website. I can still raise a fist in solidarity, though!
October 24, 2010
For this instance of the thread prolonged, I include a video that uses a few naughty words. It's Sunday, though, so you probably won't play it at work. Play it in church instead.
(Current totals: 11,212 entries with 1,160,522 comments.)
October 24, 2010
And they're bilingual, with one blog at Szekuláris Figyeló, and another in English at Hungarian Secular News. Comrades!
October 24, 2010
You can find them in Asociación Paraguaya Racionalista, and you can even listen to them at Observatorio Racionalista.
October 23, 2010
Tomorrow (Sunday), from 2-4pm Central time, I'll be on the League of Reason show. I'm not sure exactly how this is going to work; I'm calling in via skype, the link above takes you to a chat page so you can razz me as I'm talking (I expect all the other panel members will be addressed respectfully…
October 23, 2010
They're lurking in the Associação Ateísta Portuguesa. We're everywhere!
October 23, 2010
Christopher Booker is whining. He went to a meeting of "scientists" and writes up the usual collection of creationist conspiracy theories: they're oppressed, evolution is in a state of collapse, Darwin himself raised objections to his theory (never mind that he also answered them), complexity,…
October 23, 2010
Fabulous fashion statement:
I'm thinking I could one-up her if I stopped trimming the beard, too.
October 23, 2010
Michael Egnor must be fishing for traffic to the graveyard of rotting ideas that the Discovery Institute calls a blog. He claims to honestly want to understand what positive values the New Atheists have, so he posted a quiz for Larry Moran and invited the authors of various blogs — all of which get…
October 23, 2010
Daniel Phelps just reminded me that today is 23 October, the date that James Ussher, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, determined to be the very first day of creation in 4004 BCE. That makes the world 6013 years old today, in his chronology (if you're adding it up…
October 22, 2010
The bats are cool enough without him.
October 22, 2010
Cut me some slack, already. How could I resist such a weird little larval bivalve?
October 22, 2010
Sometimes they sucker me. I thought James was writing a nice letter, at first.
I found your site to be entertaining. I must say after reading the comments from your site I can see where the problem really is in this country. The fools follow the leaders of silly nonsense.
See? It sort of sounds…
October 22, 2010
This may be a trend — I mention that one country has a gang of organized atheists, and then someone else writes me to say I need to mention their country. I'm glad to do it, so here's a shout out to the Cyprus Freethinkers!
October 22, 2010
The cunning way to make a poll unpharyngulable is to throw in an irrelevant extra option to draw off our attention, and the NY Daily News has done it well. They're basically asking the question, "Is evolution true?" and giving us the option of no, yes, and Glenn Beck is a freakin' moron, and look!…
October 21, 2010
Do us all a favor and yank it out and invest it elsewhere. L&N is partnering with the Creation "Museum" in a 5K run. I have no objection to Ken Ham endorsing healthy exercise — presumably being a creationist dolt doesn't interfere with the functioning of your limbs — but jebus, respectable…
October 21, 2010
In the governor's race in Illinois, just the fact that he's Republican is sufficient that I would discourage you from voting for Bill Brady. There's also this video in which he claims to believe in both creation and evolution, but I have to say I found the interviewer more annoying than the wanna-…
October 21, 2010
"La fe NO mueve montañas, la ciencia sí"
¡qui está! El evento ateo más esperado del año.
Con un importante
grupo de especialistas y expositores que no querrás perderte.
Asiste al Primer Coloquio de Ateísmo en México. Conoce
nuestra visión de este movimiento internacional que rebasa fronteras…
October 21, 2010
Ah, the power of teeny-tiny little things nibbling away incessantly, never stopping, adding a little more, bit by bit. I don't know why that comes to mind.
(Current totals: 11,195 entries with 1,158,305 comments.)
October 21, 2010
…Uganda! Freethought Kampala is the voice of reason in that country.
We're going to take over everywhere, aren't we?
October 21, 2010
Mike Adams must really hate the "It gets better" campaign, which is trying to give gay kids some hope, rather than letting them die of despair. Being Mike Adams, though, the only way he can deal with it is by lying. So he writes an essay in which he describes eight heterosexual kids who were…
October 21, 2010
And it is so cute and adorable. A while back, I laughed at the theocrats of Christian Governance. Apparently, the exposure stung, prompting one of them to write a whiny little rant. Here's how it begins:
It has been very interesting engaging with atheists over the past couple of weeks. They came…
October 20, 2010
I know. You're still trying to get over the shock of learning that little Billy Dembski admits to being a biblical literalist. Brace yourself for this one, then: Glenn Beck is also a creationist, and his reasons are really, really stupid.
You know, if you know so little about evolution that you…
October 20, 2010
They aren't all Greek Orthodox (nor are they Zeus worshippers any more), and they have a blog, Atheia. That's all Greek to me, but they've had mercy on the rest of the world and also offer an English translation. Well, unless you're looking for a Chinese translation…
October 20, 2010
I have to commend him on his honesty: William Dembski has come right out and plainly said that he believes in a 'literal' interpretation of the bible, and that his god actually created the earth in 6 days culminating in the conjuring into existence of Adam and Eve.
In writing The End of…
October 20, 2010
Especially if you've got adblock in place, because the big banner on the left asking you to donate will disappear…but yes, we are still trying to raise money for science education, and if you've got a few dollars to spare, go to my challenge page and pick a project you like and help them out. One…
October 20, 2010
But then, so have we all. I hit my developmental biology students with the first evil exam of the term last week (I give them a couple of broad questions where we don't have all the answers, and send them off to write a longish essay on their own time. It's definitely the kind of test where…
October 20, 2010
Since this comic pretty much covers the skeptic argument.
Nah, actually, there might have been other reasons to hang out with cool people.
October 20, 2010
I don't know, because my eyes kind of glazed over as this review explained all the rules for Dominant Species.
It doesn't exactly look elegant in its implementation — it's more for hardcore board-gamers than a family fun night, if you ask me — but at least it seems to be taking an ecosystem…
October 20, 2010
Mormons go around baptizing the dead into their church, but at least dead people were once real…the official Vatican newspaper has just announced that Homer and Bart Simpson are Catholic. It's not clear whether they didn't mention Marge, Lisa, and Maggie because they lack the sacred Y chromosome of…