New results out of the Martinis lab at UCSB have shown single qubit gate fidelities of 0.98 for a superconducting phase qubit. This is significantly better than previous single qubit gate fidelities in their system and in any other superconducting qubit system. It is an extremely impressive number. (Seems that carefully crafted microwaves pulses were a big help in getting the gate fidelity to this level.) Martinis is speaking at SQUINT 2008, but just in a tutorial section. Maybe we will get lucky and a bit of these new fidelities will leak into his talk.
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I've never live blogged before (well I've been alive while I've blogged, but that is different, I guess), but maybe it will make me pay more attention to the talks, so here goes nothing. Oh, and happy Hallmark(TM) Valentines day! I'll be updating these posts as the conference goes along.
Okay, so keeping running notes on friendfeed isn't going to work for me. Just too hard to do this and make a readable record. Really we should just be taping the talks.
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Any idea about two qubit gates? If my memory serves me correctly, the single qubit numbers seem to be under the threshold Panos Aliferis talked about at QEC.
CNOT gate - flux qubits, Nature 447, 836-839
IBM Watson has recently published results on one and two-qubit pulsed gates in superconducting flux qubits at fidelities above 99%, ref. link and quote, "So, can a "debugged" IBM qubit be used soon for universal quantum computation? The answer is, in our opinion, ultimately yes."