Self Cleaning Hyperbolic Tweed Clothing for Academics

Some days it seems the universe is trying to tell you something. The last few days, this has apparently been something to do with clothing:

  • Self cleaning clothes. I really need these as I am in a constant battle with mustard.
  • Via Three-Toed Sloth, A Call for Professional Attire on dressing in academia. Recently my dog ate the elbows out of a new sweater, so I now have a sweater with patched elbows, the ultimate in professorial attire, I suppose. Sadly the article doesn't take the argument to its conclusion and require that not just profs wear fancy clothes, but that students also be required to wear uniforms of less sophistication, so that those little rats know their place in life.
  • In a related note, New York's fashion week features tweed. So take that you scruffy enforcer of suits and ties: soon professorial tweed will be all the rage.
  • Crocheted models of hyperbolic space. Impressive, but I'm still waiting for "Crocheted models of eleven dimensional space time." On a related note, knitting and cellular automata.

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It's not truly professorial tweed until it has the elbow patches — which my "eigenjacket" most assuredly does, thank you very much. At one point, I had three eigenjackets, suitable for different weather conditions and levels of formality; however, Massachusetts has been too cold for the one I have left, so I've transitioned to a black leather trenchcoat.

If this linked back to the fancy shirt folding post you would have the perfect science meets fashion moment.

I agree with this. At a minimum, students should not wear clothing with holes in it, and professors should ensure that their wardrobe makes them distinguishable from homeless people. There was a guy at the colloquium yesterday who could have been either (or both, I suppose, given what housing costs around here).

Until we have self cleaning clothes, maybe we should work on condiments that stain in a houndstooth pattern, just as a backup plan.