3.14159265 is Approximately 1

Happy Talk like a physicist day, Happy Pi day, and Happy birthday dear uncle Albert.

So how does one talk like a physicist? I mean its hard for me to say, because I'm a physicist (or was, or am, or was molded into who I am by physicists.) But one can certainly sing like a physicist! Here is a song from grad school:

Schrödinger's cat, is getting rather fat
He wants to play, must way for radon decay
Why is he trapped in that box (clap, clap, clap)
He would rather be alive than dead

Schrödinger's kitten, stuck their sittin'
Stuck in a superposition, a quantum mechanical prison
Why is she trapped in that box (clap, clap, clap)
She would rather be alive and free

Schrödinger's feline, gives birth to nine
Radon mutated cats, quantum mechincal lab rats
I opened the box, I opened the box
Out popped...

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No! Pi == 10. Exactly. (in base Pi) :)

BTW, it is impossible to post here if you have Javascript turned off. It links you to a spam/domain squatting site instead. Blocking spam postings is fine, but SB should use a domain target they actually own...

By Benjamin Franz (not verified) on 14 Mar 2008 #permalink

"Think of them as little electron people..."

Okay. Does this mean I should start looking at the wave-collapse function as a low tide? Quantum packets as zip lock bags? Wave-particle duality as Cybil? The twin paradox as a Bud Light commercial?

By JohnQPublic (not verified) on 14 Mar 2008 #permalink