Colbert Nation Baby

We don't have SteelyKid watching any kind of baby-oriented tv, because I'd rather be stabbed with a fork than have to listen to the Tellytubbies. We do frequently have the tv on while she's playing in the living room, though, as we try to catch up on DVR'ed programs. This has led directly to SteelyKid having a favorite show:

That's right, our baby is part of the Colbert Nation. Whenever the credits sequence for the Report plays, she claps at the bit where the eagle swoops in. This is very repeatable (Kate re-played the opening a few times, and SteelyKid always clapped), and especially impressive because SteelyKid only worked out how to clap a week or so ago (prior to that, she would slap the back of one hand with the other hand-- close, but not quite).

This just confirms for me that I'm on the right track when I say my goal in the book-publicity process is to get on the Colbert Report...

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I sat through Tellitubbies, and Barny, and the new Sesame Street with my two older ones, so I know about the . . . existential challenges of modern kids TV (the girls in question are now 11 and 13, and both fairly boy crazy, so they've recovered). Glad to see you making a bol dparentin gmove, and setting her baseline for true comedy at such a high level so early.

My boys (7 & 4) just watched "A Night at the Opera" last week, and they were in stitches. I highly recommend the Marx brothers when Steelykid is a little older.

The inevitable progression of unfolding maturity: "Colbert Report" Right wing (prior to weaning), "The Daily Show" Left wing (prior to paying taxes), then nihilism.

You're raising her well, Chad.

Having him drop acid would probably help...

By Kate from Iowa (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink