Hawking To Fall Into the Blackberry Hole?

Rumors have been spreading that Stephen Hawking might be considering moving to the Perimeter Institute. These rumors have been officially denied. The real story here, however is not about Hawking relocating, but whether Stephen Hawking has turned into an experimental physicist and is testing the black hole information paradox by throwing himself into the Blackberry hole. I mean, if Hawking can visit for one month, and then escape from the Perimeter Institute, then I think we can conclude that the unitarity of quantum theory is safe. However, if Hawking get's sucked in, I myself will worry that information really is destroyed at the Perimeter Institute in a black hole.


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Fixed the Perimeter link, thanks.

Yeah I made it myself. Nothing like a little LOL therapy to make me happy.

Wow, Perimeter Institute creates the acronym Pi! What are the odds?

By JohnQPublic (not verified) on 17 Jul 2008 #permalink

Now if he were able to come to PI for a bit and then return to Cambridge and make it seem as if he was never there to begin with, perhaps he will have solved the aforementioned paradox via a closed time-like curve...

Strange how the entropically (?) arranged words are still understandable.

By JohnQPublic (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink