Live Worldwide Monopoly Game

Tomorrow, September 9, 2009 is apparently the date for a worldwide game of monopoly: Monopoly City Streets

Welcome to Monopoly City Streets. You versus the world in the biggest live game of MONOPOLY in history!

On the 9th SEPTEMBER, a world of property empire building on an unimaginable scale will be launched! A live worldwide game of MONOPOLY using Google Maps as the game board. The goal is simple. Play to beat your friends and the world to become the richest property magnate in existence.

Own any street in the world. Build humble houses, crazy castles and stupendous skyscrapers to collect rent. Use MONOPOLY Chance Cards to sabotage your mates by building Hazards on their streets.

Which strategy will you employ? Determined drive? Ingenious daring? Intelligent caution? Will you thrive under the pressure of a fast growing global property empire - or will you crumble? Find out if you'll thrive, or even survive, in the amazing world of MONOPOLY City Streets. It's going to be epic fun!

Having spent many days in my childhood playing epic games of monopoly I'm tempted. How does one play an epic game of monopoly? Easy, just modify the rules to allow you to go in debt and be stubborn as a mule even when your opponent owns both Boardwalk and Parkplace. (Good lesson: even though there is randomness in rolling dice, when the board gets stacked against you, you may have statistical fluctuations which feel good, but eventually you are doomed. Multiple rolls of bad odds eventually catch up.)

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