#FridayFollow: HeroMachine and Informed Comment

Jeff Hebert is an amazing artist. He created the banner for this page as well as that for Living the Scientific Life and Dispatches From the Culture Wars. His primary work is for HeroMachine and his work can be viewed at his online portfolio.

Juan Cole at Informed Comment is, along with Robert Fisk's reporting, my primary resource for Middle Eastern politics and perspectives. I encourage everyone to check out his work and subscribe to his twitter feed. To cite an example from one of his recent posts:

You obey the Geneva Conventions and the rest of international law on the treatment of captives because it gives you the moral high ground with regard to the treatment of our troops. Not doing so endangers every single one of our men and women in uniform. The chickenhawks who called such international agreements 'quaint' and outmoded should be drafted and sent to the front.

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The chickenhawks who called such international agreements 'quaint' and outmoded should be drafted and sent to the front.