For this week's Friday Follow I wanted to highlight two excellent sources for anthropology news and opinion.
Greg Laden's Blog is my go to for informed commentary and daily entertainment. I'm constantly impressed by his prodigious output as well as his thoughtful and informative content. A must read is his recent post on the natural basis for inequality of the sexes:
What is the premise we choose, as a society, to be the basis of our ethical and moral codes, our laws, etc.? For many people, this premise is mutualism. We agree to equality of all individuals (with special exceptions). This equality does not mean individuals are identical. Indeed, there may be categorical differences among groups. Females do have babies, males do not. But equal rights are to be preserved. Then on the basis of this equality, we agree to interact in positive, mutually beneficial ways. One hand washes the other. What goes around comes around. We watch, and occasionally scratch, each other's backs. Friendship, camaraderie, and civility are valued practices.
The Angry Indian can be found at The International Indigenist Newswire (or Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo):
The Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo newswire seeks to provide accurate, alternative and under-reported news media to the international Indigenous/Autochonous community and others with a concern for human justice and Aboriginal political issues.
This is a treasure trove of information about indigenous peoples and Fourth World advocacy. If, like me, you are passionate about indigenous rights I highly recommend this site. And, if you're merely curious, this is a great introduction into the issues of concern for indigenous people around the world.
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