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Miscellaneous quick things that I've noticed this week that don't quite rate a full post of their own:

First, a couple of links from : LiveScience offer a list of "Science Myths", with correct explanations. It gets scare quotes because "science" is pretty broadly defined, but there's some interesting stuff there.

Also from Scalzi, there's a bubble chamber simulator, for anyone who ever wanted to be a particle physicist. It generates particle track pictures as a sort of art form. Don't worry, you don't need to determine the charge and momentum of any of those aprticles. Unless you want to. You know, for fun.

Via Joel Gilmore's Illuminating Science, a company that offers to build secret passages in your house. This is probably a very deadpan joke, but then the Internet is a strange place, and it might be real. Who can tell?

Do I have an overall point with this? Not so much. I'm just delaying the point when I have to go in to work on a Saturday morning...


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