I'm with Kevin on this one: this whole "Pi Day" thing is just too dorky for words (I'm looking at you, Clifford...)
However, as noted by Arcane Gazebo, it's also Einstein's birthday, which is an occasion much more worth commemorating. So celebrate as the man himself would have: invent a new theory of the universe while working at a boring and unchallenging job because you can't get an academic position. Or, possibly, divorce your wife and marry your cousin. It's all good.
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Ah, but we nerds will spend the evening eating pie. Mmm, delicious!
Looks like this event is actually a good selection criteria - the wannabes just don't get it.
...this whole "Pi Day" thing is just too dorky for words
You say that as if that was a bad thing.
Sometimes we need to revel in our dorkiness.
test - please delete
In my opinion, the problem with Pi Day isn't its dorkiness. The problem is that in spite of its pseudo-objectivity, it's no better than any other culturally derived holiday, since it relies on our culturally derived calendar.
Real lovers of natural-world-objectivity (i.e. physicists) should favor the 4 solstices and equinoxes as the primary holidays. So, Happy Ostara (the origin of "Easter" according to Bede and the Grimms), St. Johns ... or better Midsummer, Harvest Day, and Yule!
Heck. I missed e day - February 71st - oops, short month, i mean February 7th (e is about 2.71828182845904523536).
Some years ago, i noticed that i'd turned 1,000,000,000 seconds old. I belonged to a chorus of some 240 members. I turned up early to rehearsal that day, and when the director asked How are you?, i admitted that i'd turned a billion seconds old that morning. When everyone arrived, she announced it to the crowd, and they sang Happy Birthday as only 240 singers (who passed the audition) can perform it. It's always someone's birthday, so i'm the only one who got a song.