Diversity in Academia

I'm pretty sure the folks at Inside Higher Ed don't know that it's International Blog Against Racism Week, but they've provided some good material all the same. Today, Alan Contreras offers some provocative thoughts on diversity in academic hiring:

Anyone interested in actual improvement of the presence of good nonwhite faculty in our universities needs to take certain steps at their schools. Do not allow the hiring of more bureaucrats to gasp in predictable horror at the way things are. No more Assistant Vice-hand-holders in the bower of ethnic unhappiness. Forget all the false storefronts and unseemly fawnings that are the usual pewter trade beads of minority recruiting.

[...] Plan ahead a generation. Work ahead a generation. Figure out who of color in your local schools has the potential to be a good professor. Get rid of your highly paid and symbolic chief diversity officers. We all know that they accomplish little. This is not their fault; their jobs are inherently impossible. Respect can't be legislated, it must be earned. Use that money to hire a brace of heat-seeking twenty-somethings to systematically find the most academically promising minority 10-year-olds in likely and unlikely places, and track and support them for a decade or more, as your university's scholars-in-waiting. Consider advance long-term contracts with the best doctoral students. Be bold.

I don't really have anything coherent to say about this, but I think it's worth posting a pointer to the article. Read, as they say, the whole thing.


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