Lubbock, Fallujah, What's the Difference?

I wasn't going to say anything about Bob Knight's latest little incident, in which he smacked a player on the chin to get him to look up. If it were anyone else, this would be a non-issue, and even though it's Knight, I don't think this is worth the energy that sports media are expending on it.

I can't resist linking to the New York Times story this morning, though, for this analogy near the bottom of the second page:

"He's kind of like the war in Iraq: all you hear about are the bad things," said [Texas Tech fan Steve] Winters, 39.

Ah, Texas.


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Stuff like this is why I seldom watch ESPN (Caution: May Contain Sports-Like Substance) any more.

Though I have little sympathy for Knight either. He's created his own history that drives this kind of coverage.

Hmm... If I choose not to watch ESPN, then I can avoid coverage of Knight! It's a win-win!

Not sure why this is a non-issue, try to smack or poke one of your students, and we'll see if you get to keep your job. Same applies to anybody else in any line of work. Almost.


This is one of those occasions where I really want to say "It's not Texas! It's just some Texans!" I just don't quite have the heart right now...

You never hear about all the schools he's painted...

"You never hear about all the schools he's painted..."

Nor about all the players/students he hasn't poked/shaken/slapped..., all the chairs he's left unthrown, etc.

By Tom Renbarger (not verified) on 16 Nov 2006 #permalink