Happy Children Thank You

As you may or may not recall, some time back we did a fundraising challenge to raise money for the educational charity Donors Choose. Uncertain Principles readers donated a little over $1,200, and ScienceBlogs in general raised about $34,000.

When I kicked in my money, I forgot to un-check the option to have thank-you notes sent from the classes that were funded by the contribution, mostly because I didn't understand what it was. A week or so ago, a big envelope arrived from DonorsChoose, containing a bunch of hand-written notes from one of the classes who got funding through the Challenge, and pictures of children enjoying their new math books.

Since my personal contribution was only a fraction of the money raised, most of the thanks go to the readers who contributed. So, well, thanks:


If you're the sort of person who likes to make charitable contributions around the end of the year, here's the original donation link again. They're a good organization, and it might be worth throwing them a few bucks.

And thanks again to all those who have contributed.

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Well chalk up another project on your list funded.

And I issued a challenge to a slew of my friends that read my blog and website to fund more projects on Donors Choose.