Journal of Easily Amused Physicists

Check out the DeMille group rigid rotor photo. Truly, a remarkable display.

(One of my students stumbled across this while researching grad schools, and showed it to me today.)


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Wow. That's unbelievable geeky, and also pretty damn funny.

I hate to tell them, but ... However much they rotate, they'll never be cool.

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

To paraphrase Homer Simpson, no matter how geeky you are, there's always someone who's a million times geekier.

By Chris Goedde (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

That's so awesome! It seems that at least someone there enjoys what they do.

Also, Scott, Chris: both of you deserve to be hit upside the head for implying that finding humor/fun in something that is *gasp* related to science (what you call "geeky") is somehow bad (i.e., not "cool"). Shame.

Just watching that made me dizzy...