Bicycling Report

In the two weeks since the previous report, I managed only two round-trips to campus, for a total of 9.6 miles. Either the weather was lousy, or I had things I needed to do that precluded riding the bike. I got a good ride in today, though:

Total Distance: 16.6 miles

Maximum Speed: 30.1 mph

Average Speed: 14.7 mph

The higher maximum speed reflects the presence of a really big hill at the start of the bike path (as does the ache in my legs when I climb the stairs)-- I probably could've gotten another mph or two out of that, if not for two people walking their inferior dogs on the path in front of me. The higher average speed reflects the fact that this part of the path is really flat and smooth other than that. There were a whole bunch of people out walking and jogging on the path, even at 9:30 on a Sunday morning-- I may have to find another time to ride.

Year-to-date totals:

Total Distance: 43.3 miles

Maximum Speed: 30.1 mph


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