The New Telecom Product You've Been Waiting For

i-c06774197bcd9a51cd3f02d518667ef9-rphone.jpgPresenting the hottest new product in the telecommunications sector: the rPhone:

rPhone combines three delightfully diverse products into one awkward and cumbersome handheld contraption -- a revolutionary steam-powered satellite phone, a stylish French musicbox, and a vibrasonic multi-purpose tool that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a Sonic Screwdriver. rPhone is the first portable telephone constructed of materials you've come to associate with progressive technology... from its exquisite rosewood paneling to the handsome brass frame, it shouts "This is the 18th century!" and "Gee, this thing sure is heavy!" and "What do you mean it costs $20,000??".

I'm actually about as likely to buy one of these as I am to get an iPhone.

Via Ethan.


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