What'd I Miss?

Kate and I went out to Michigan this past weekend, to unwind a bit at the summer home of some friends from college. It was an Internet-less weekend for me-- there was Internet access at the house, but I fought through the incipient datastarve, and resisted the temptation to log in. (This means that a handful of comments to posts from last week were trapped in moderation for a few days, and I apologize for that... I've shaken them all loose now.)

Anyway, I came back to close to 1000 new posts in my Bloglines feeds, and dealt with them in the usual manner: I hit "Mark All Read," and started over with a clean slate.

So, anyway, did anything critically important happen while I was gone? If there were posts or news items since about 10PM last Thursday that I really shouldn't miss, leave a pointer in the comments.

Regular blogging will resume tomorrow.


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By igor eduardo küpfer (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink