...For Loud Values of "Quiet," Anyway

Live Granades has a survey of current SF, done in the form of a school walk-through with new principal Michael Capobianco (who won the SFWA election discussed earlier this year). It's pretty amusing if you know the authors involved, but one bit made me just about spit my drink at the monitor:

Of course. I'd be happy to discuss the students' groupings with you. Let's start with the fellows in the camouflage. They're very interested in military science fiction. It's all guns and dropships and the like with them. The student who's holding forth very loudly is John Ringo, and that's David Weber next to him. The quieter fellow holding the Bob Heinlein mask is John Scalzi. He's one of our newer students. I'm not sure he's going to stay at that table, to be honest.

Scalzi is one of the quiet ones? There's a scary thought...

Link via Tobias Buckell, who will apparently be doing an appearance at a local SF store in late August. Unfortunately, Kate and I will be in Japan at the time...


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That was really funny.

I feel bad that I laughed at Atwood eating all alone....

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 26 Jul 2007 #permalink

Mark Van Name - That is classic superhero military fiction. Guy has nanotechnology from a planet that has been destroyed linked to an AI tank (or rather attack ship.) Working as a PI kind of. It is good if you like the premise. I thought it had some good scenes and setiings.