links for 2007-10-23


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The Nature of Glass Remains Anything but Clear - "David A. Weitz, a physics professor at Harvard, joked, "There are more theories of the glass transition than there are theorists who propose them."" (tags: physics materials science) Medium Large It's back! Maybe the best Web comic…
Neil Fraser: Hardware: Lava Lamp Centrifuge "Would a Lava Lamp work in a high-gravity environment such as Jupiter? Would the wax still rise to the surface? Would the blobs be smaller and faster? With broad disagreement on the answers, I built a large centrifuge to find out." (tags: physics…
Children's early academic and attention skills best predict later school success "Behavior problems, lack of social skills not linked with later achievement." This is described as "surprising," and I can't for the life of me see why. (tags: academia education news) Cocktail Party Physics: the…
On Writing and the Internet: Data Is the New Alcohol « Lev Grossman "A lot of writers have been ruined by addictions in the past. Heroine, alcohol, etc. Me, I don't have big -- big -- problems with drugs and alcohol. (I have in fact, over the past 6 months, moderated my drinking, something I…