Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt Gersput!

ScienceBlogs is now available in a German version.If you sprechen the Deutsch, update your blogroll accordingly.

Me, I don't get more than the occasional word. I am, however, amused to see that the pull-quote on the front page is in English, and from one of my posts...


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I hope they aren't just auto-translating into German, or you will be responsible for many people who will die laughing when they read the title.

Huh. I get prompted for a password when I try to access that site. I wonder if that's the URL for authorized users like yourself, and their's a different URL for passive readers.

It seems that the blog is not "officially launched" yet - this password protection was introduced only today. Anyway, there had not yet been too many posts so far. The overall look was the same as for the "original" American ScienceBlogs site.