links for 2007-11-21


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Crooked Timber » » Political science and economics High-level discussion of the economics Nobel (tags: Nobel economics politics academia) Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering: Is It About the Numbers (And Not the Ones You Might Think)? Notes on the science of "social…
slacktivist: TF: No heroes "Here is the scene LaHaye and Jenkins are stumbling toward: Nicolae sits in his office, meditating on his evil scheme and the worldwide suffering it will cause. In walks the hero. If that hero is anyone other than Buck Williams, then we're in for some fireworks. Pick a…
Report on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion "In the aggregate, PhDs in the fields represented by the MLA appear to have about a 35% chance of getting tenure." (tags: academia education humanities jobs) Crooked Timber » » Closing the books A list of the arguments Daniel Davies is…
slacktivist: TF: Skip verse 10 "Be sure to use the King James Version when you bring up Luke 17:34 -- "In that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left" -- and then argue that a literal interpretation suggests that precisely 50 percent of…

Let's all take a few minutes to appreciate the accomplishment here, before getting all worked up about the political implications.

It would be nice if the New York Times article you link could have done the same.

It wasn't long ago that we were getting all worked up about the accomplishment of mammalian cloning.

Don't count your chickens before their eggs are laid.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 21 Nov 2007 #permalink