links for 2007-12-27


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Crooked Timber » » Political science and economics High-level discussion of the economics Nobel (tags: Nobel economics politics academia) Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering: Is It About the Numbers (And Not the Ones You Might Think)? Notes on the science of "social…
Bad Baby Names - A Boy Named Sue, and a Theory of Names - John Tierney - New York Times "During his 1969 concert at San Quentin prison, Johnny Cash proposed a paradigm shift in the field of developmental psychology. " (tags: kid-stuff psychology science society culture music) Gen Ed Reform --…
Discovering Biology in a Digital World : Another reason why science education sucks "According to the article almost 40% of the 59 science education specialists, surveyed in the California University system, were "seriously considering leaving" their current jobs and some (20%) were considering…
Crooked Timber » » Science, and anti-science, in action The saga of the peppered moth as an example of evolution in action. (tags: biology experiment politics science) Some Road Songs The official government list of songs that mention highways. (tags: music travel US silly society culture…

I never liked Emeril all that much, but I absolutely DESPISE Rachael Ray. What the food network needs is MORE ALTON BROWN.