links for 2007-12-31


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Meet the real victims of Bush-era lawlessness: his lawyers. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine "Those who distorted and upended the legal rules during the Bush era have hermetically sealed themselves inside a legal tautology that provides that lawyers cannot be held accountable for merely…
The Secret of L.A.'s 10-Year-Old Fake Freeway Sign - Traffic - Jalopnik "An artist named Richard Ankrom had the same experience, and so he did what any fed-up Los Angeles driver would do: He created a simple directional tool to help drivers prepare for the 5's poorly marked hairpin exit. He…
Misha Lemeshko's blog: The greatest math problem ever "This is a problem, which can be easily solved by children before entering elementary school. If you want to give it a try, please forget everything you have ever studied." (tags: blogs math silly) The terrifying prospect of an America… » Post Topic » The Accidental Trilogy: Logan's Run, Soylent Green, and The Omega Man "The problem is, Lucas made [Star Wars] so immersive that nobody noticed the allegory, and the effects so beautiful that everyone judged all subsequent films by the standards he set. From now…