links for 2008-01-13

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Euler's Constancy A short biography of and tribute to the mathematician Leonhard Euler, who did a bit of everything (tags: math academia physics) Scientists 'weigh' tiny galaxy halfway across universe Six billion light years away, 1/100th the mass of the Milky Way (tags: astronomy news science…
Monkeys perform arithmetic as well as college students I knew that. (tags: academia education biology math psychology news science) Merck Manual for Pet Health - Ferret Hit by an Arrow? Here's a Book for You - New York Times The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health: Home Edition: Because…
Hope in a box: The A.V. Club's guide to holiday gifts for the new era of good feelings | The A.V. Club "Words like "need" or "necessary" lose all meaning around Christmas, even when the economy is collapsing. For example, does anyone actually need a flexible plastic case to prevent their bananas…
blarg? » Can I Get A Witness "Look, if you want to save journalism, if you want to be a journalist, you need to actually perform the act of journalism. The kind of writing that we desperately need, that we may be well-informed and responsible citizens, not these bullshit celebrity-noise puff…