Non-Dorky Poll: General Hopes

As promised (threatened?) in the previous post, here's a space for more general commentary in response to the question asked by our Corporate Masters, and modified slightly for blog use:

What non-scientific developments do you hope to be blogging or reading about in 2008?

Consider this open to all areas of politics and pop culture. What do you hope to see on blogs next year? The election of President Obama? The dissolution of the Discovery Institute? Britney Spears settling down and finding love at last?

Leave your answer in the comments, and do try to keep a civil tone. I have the keys to the disemvoweller, and I'm not afraid to use it.

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I hope we make a national commitment to addressing the causes of global warming and decreasing out greenhouse gas emissions, but I really am afraid this is a futile hope.

I hope to see a post by you detailing your smackdown on Colbert in basketball, followed by your endorsement sweeping him to victory and the Oval Office!

Future historians, if there are any, will draw a line near today and say "this was the end of American Empire." Let's end it with a historic implosion.

"America was strangled by its own panties" is a crappy epitaph.

Natalie got there first. We desperately need the beginnings of a sane policy responding to climate change.

As a Brit can I offer my hope that you Americans elect someone sane this time around ? Or if not actually sane at least not in the needing a straitjacket class of madness. It would be so nice to have someone in charge across the pond who does not think that global warming will just mean there are more nice days for going to the beach, realises that human history goes back a bit more than 6000 years and understands that not everyone who thinks American foreign policy is a bit screwed is a Al-Queda supporter.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 24 Jan 2008 #permalink

It really all comes down to the election. The date 2008.01.20 is not coming quickly enough. The question of *who* we see on that date and *how* did we get there are the crux of a heckuva lot of hopes and fears.

I'm also hopeful that we'll see some mitigating signs that the coming recession won't be as bad as we fear. I don't know that that's likely, but I do hope for it.

And I really hope to read about how Arsenal took the Treble. Or the Double. Heck, a single trophy would be nice. Preferably the Prem.

The end of the War in Iraq, the War on Drugs, and corporate pandering in Washington. A health-care system that works, a balanced budget free of pork, and reinvigorated investments in education, science, and new energy technologies.

Oh yeah, and the Patriots going 19-0 :)

I'd like to see both a Democratic president and a Congress with enough of a Democratic majority to prevent the conservatives from impeding change in many areas: climate, support for science and education, health care reform, and protecting civil rights and true justice.

I'd also love to see your book come out in time for Christmas giving.

I'd like to see people realize that the composition of Congress is far more important than who holds the Presidency.

I'd like to see people stop treating politics as a game of personalities and use reason to guide their supportive choices.

And I'd like to see everyone in the current Administration brought up on charges of treason. Barring that, I'd like to see the next Executive issue pardons for everyone in the current Administration on charges of treason - it's the next best thing!

By Caledonian (not verified) on 24 Jan 2008 #permalink

# 6 | Bert Chadick | January 24, 2008 1:56 PM

I will be blogging about the rebirth of hope for America's future. Probably in the last quarter though.

Now that's something you could run up the flag pole and I would salute! LOL! The country was built on hopes and dreams. Even though we may currently be a sort of quagmire, having the hopes and dreams can work us towards a self fulfilling prophesy!
Dave Briggs :~)