The Warner Brothers cartoon RPG.
The definitive article on ketchup.
A review of every academic's favorite site.
"Ancient light absorbed by neutral hydrogen atoms could be used to test certain predictions of string theory... Making the measurements, however, would require a gigantic array of radio telescopes to be built on Earth, in space or on the moon."
Sadly, the story is nowhere near as interesting as that headline sounds to a reader of SF...
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Thanks for the ketchup link, Chad. That's a very good article, not just on ketchup, but also on how we experience and evaluate flavor in general. Tasty!
People want to build the giant radio array anyway to address all sorts of interesting scientific questions. If it could test string theory, well, that would be kind of cool, too.
More than 1,000 square kilometers of "collective" (presumably meaning "collecting") area? My proposal to build twenty million Arecibos is sure to be funded now!