My Super Bowl Prediction

I predict that I'm going to throw something at the tv if Arlen Specter doesn't go away. Like the Senate Judiciary Committee doesn't have anything more useful it could be doing than making a stink about an utterly pointless pseudo-scandal. And giving Gregg Easterbrook an excuse to be smug, on top of everything else.

I hope somebody catches Specter soliciting sheep at a truck stop somewhere.

That said, if you have a moment between bouts of fretting over the scientifically approved way of dipping chips into salsa-- a surprisingly rich topic-- and want to try to predict the outcome of the football game, here's my fearless prediction:

Patriots by a field goal. Call it 34-31.

Why? Because it's the Super Bowl, and they only win Super Bowls by three points.

(Also, as I've been saying all season, the Giants secondary is really not professional grade. They hide it well when the defensive line gets pressure on the quarterback, but when the opposing QB has time-- and New England has the best offensive line in the business-- they get shredded.)


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I hear Specter is next gonna investigate two high level physicists for drinking lots of coffee to stay awake, and even eating raw coffee beans!

For the record, you and I came up with fairly close predictions. Mine is Pats 38, Giants 35. If I'm right, I'll explain the tortured methodology, already divulged elsewhere.

As to coffee addiction and Arlen "What JFK Conspiracy?" Specter, my friend who was once the U.S. Women's Chess Champion (and is still the highest ranked native-born American female chess player) was on the Olympic liaison committee to try to make Chess an Olympic Sport. The problem came with the irreconcilable argument as to whether or not cigarettes and/or coffee are performance enhancing drugs. Really.

Pouring myself a cup right now, Trader Joe's French Roast, fresh-ground. In the ScienceBlog labware graduated mug, the only thing I ever won in a decade of blogging, and how I treasure it! Milliliters, my preciousssss...

In sipping preparation, of course, for the recommended Beverage of Choice as the Pats win the 19th (prime) game of the ultimate season ever, so thake that, Miami and 1934 Bears and so forth. Best ever. the Big Bang against which all other seasons are mere supernovae.

And thanks again for the Best Blog Ever, day after day. Your students are SO lucky to have your performance art in the classroom!

That was one of the best Super Bowls ever, as viewed from a totally non-partisan sideline.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 03 Feb 2008 #permalink

You made a Giant mistake with your prediction, Chad!