links for 2008-03-19


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Most powerful laser in the world fires up "The Texas Petawatt laser reached greater than one petawatt of laser power on Monday morning, March 31," Good thing, or they'd feel pretty dumb about the name. (tags: physics optics science news) Cats Laughing Everybody's favorite band of SF authors,…
Southern Baptists Back a Shift on Climate Change - New York Times '[T]he new declaration, which will be released Monday, states, "Our cautious response to these issues in the face of mounting evidence may be seen by the world as uncaring, reckless and ill-informed."' (tags: politics religion…
Crooked Timber » » Political science and economics High-level discussion of the economics Nobel (tags: Nobel economics politics academia) Mixing Memory : Women in Math, Science, and Engineering: Is It About the Numbers (And Not the Ones You Might Think)? Notes on the science of "social…