links for 2008-04-01


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That epilepsy prank shows how being juvenile can cross way over the threshold of being evil.

The article takes a bizarre turn in the late paragraphs, and the author curiously fails to explain some very obvious questions that would occur to any reader. Here's the strangeness:

"Circumstantial evidence suggests the attack was the work of members of Anonymous, an informal collective of griefers best known for their recent war on the Church of Scientology. The first flurry of posts on the epilepsy forum referenced the site EBaumsWorld, which is much hated by Anonymous. And forum members claim they found a message board thread -- since deleted -- planning the attack at, a group stronghold."

Okay, three obvious questions: Why does Anonymous hate EBaumsWorld, which seems to be just a collection of silly videos and pictures? What's the logical connection - even if the logic is quite tortured - between hating EBaumsWorld and launching an attack on innocent epileptics? Could the claim that Anonymous launched the attack just be an attempt by Scientologists to defame Anonymous?

Anybody out there in Uncertain Principles Land know the answers to any of these, or to the deeper mystery of why the reporter left these loose ends?