links for 2008-04-03


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Make it Sir: Star Trek's Patrick Stewart to be knighted | SCI FI Wire Sadly, William Shatner is not British. (tags: sf silly television movies theater world awards) Are Texas' auto safety inspections worth the hassle? | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News "Texas is one of…
Sunday Function : Built on Facts One of the most useful functions in math isn't really a function in the usual sense. (tags: math physics blogs built-on-facts science) Hitler finds out about another Downfall parody from dawsonbros - Video "Maybe we should just make one of these ourselves. Do…
The Myth of Charter Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books "If we are serious about improving our schools, we will take steps to improve our teacher force, as Finland and other nations have done. That would mean better screening to select the best candidates, higher salaries,…
The Final Frontier: The Science of Star Trek: Scientific American "To get a sense of how much actual science has made its way into the science fiction universe of Star Trek, spoke to Lawrence Krauss, author of The Physics of Star Trek, the first edition of which appeared on…