links for 2008-04-22


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Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: The Identity Studies for Everyone The latest literary-studies fad: Age Studies. (tags: academia literature) village voice > art > Meet the East Village "It" Couple of Young-Adult Lit by Carol Cooper A profile of Scott…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: 'Inside Greek U.' Surprisingly sensible comments about a new book on fraternities and sororities (tags: academia education books) Books: The Musical Mystique "The discourse supporting classical music so reeks of historical…
Economists Say Movie Violence Might Temper the Real Thing - New York Times "From 6 p.m. to midnight on weekends -- when the largest numbers of people are in theaters -- violent crimes decreased 1.3 percent for every million people watching a strongly violent movie, the study found. Violent crimes…
Abstruse Goose » How Stuff Works "Science killed my unicorns." (tags: science comics silly abstruse-goose) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Hugo Nominations Including a few links to recommended-reading lists. (tags: movies SF literature books hugos) Physics and Physicists…

PETA's Latest Tactic: $1 Million for Fake Meat - New York Times
Shockingly, they've stumbled across a halfway decent idea. I think this is mentioned in Revelations somewhere...

You know, I saw that too, but I'm not sure they've thought the whole thing out.

On the one hand, if the stuff existed and really tasted like a good steak, or chicken, or whatever, at a comparable price, I'd probably buy it. On the same hand, the energy footprint for vatmeat is probably far lower than actual meat and would allow a whole lot more people to move up the chain to Western standards of nutrition. So basically, I'm for it. At the very least, I could see using it for ground beef, etc, in stews or chili.

On the other hand, do cows and chickens, not to mention turkeys, have what it takes to survive in the wild, once the profit motive for ranching them disappears?

By John Novak (not verified) on 22 Apr 2008 #permalink

1) Like many of us kids fresh out of philosophy grad school, I sent off a total of 99 job applications this year.
2) Today I accepted one of those jobs.
3) This will give me plenty of time to focus on research
4) My salary is going to multiply by something like 4 or 5. My plan is to live on half of it, save a quarter, and spend the rest on a variety of bold schemes to promote the good of humanity.

A) Research? Aristotle was ~350 BC, this is 2008. Is philosophy as gormless as string theory?
B) One relishes the kid philosophizing about taxation, insurance, compound interest on debt... and tenure process, ah, inequities.
C) Humanity deserves to be flogged rather than carried about upon a palanquin of others' Officially confiscated productivity. We aren't passengers on Spaceship Earth, we are crew. March or die.