links for 2008-05-28


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Why Wine Ratings Are Badly Flawed - "[A] 1996 study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology showed that even flavor-trained professionals cannot reliably identify more than three or four components in a mixture, although wine critics regularly report tasting six or more. There are eight…
Scientopia A new non-profit science blog collective, including several people who left ScienceBlogs in Sodamageddon. (tags: science blogs internet academia) Experimental Error: Don't Try This at Home - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers "So if…
Towards an Opt-Out Button in Left-Liberal Debates | Easily Distracted "Here's what I want and I think maybe a lot of people, both Americans and otherwise, want. I want what my colleagues Barry Schwartz and Ken Sharpe call "good enough". I don't want to grab for the brass ring, be the alpha male,…
KR Blog » The Wilderness of Memory "[Chabon asks] a valid question, but I can't escape the feeling that it reflects a particularly American idealization of childhood. Growing up slowly is a privilege of wealth, and few children throughout human history have enjoyed a childhood without the…

Pray what is the strength of the humanities' mindset? One cannot imagine productive sequelae attendant to "Hester Prynne wore a Scarlet A because it was the highest grade awarded." Doctoral dissertations on The Simpsons entirely miss the point.

Liberal and Fine Arts arise from surplus. Begin by feeding the goose laying golden eggs. Later, cut back on its rations in the name of managed efficiency. Slaughter the goose to get all its golden eggs at once. Tell tall tales set to music of days when there were golden eggs - followed by dialectic and critique.