links for 2008-06-23

  • "It is the artists, and a certain line of thinking about art, that have given the people with the cash permission to buy and sell what amounts to nothing, and to do so for ever larger and more insane sums of money."

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The tagline up at the top of this blog promises "Physics, Politics, and Pop Culture," but unless you count my own photos as pop art, I've been falling down on the last of those. This is largely because, despite being on sabbatical, I've been so busy running after the kids that I don't have much…
BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » It seemed like a good idea at the time: The Slushpile Smackdown "The traditional method of sifting slush is in-house - a job usually handed out to a junior because it's time consuming and occasionally injurious to mental well being. Why? Because anyone with a word processor…
Can Scientists Dance? -- Bohannon 319 (5865): 905b -- Science A contest to see who could do the best interpretive dance based on their Ph.D. thesis. (tags: academia music science video silly) Conservatives Just Aren't Into Academe, Study Finds - "Conservative students, however,…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Fracking | The Intersection | Discover Magazine "I just watched this video of Cornell University engineering prof Anthony Ingraffea giving a lecture on fracking-a long, long lecture. But it's tremendously informative, gives more perspective than I've found…

Modern art is museum board friends accepting your inflated whoopee cushion as a charitable donation. You enjoy a massive tax deduction, and they in turn donating to your museum. Basement storage thereafter where nobody need look at it.

Modern Art was created by Amendment XVI to the United States Constitution, 1913, followed by the rich being dunned for World War I. They obtained relief by elevating EuroTrash daubings into remarkable tax-free income. Critics separate craft (undeserving!) from art.