links for 2008-06-28

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Bill Simmons: World Cup's 20 questions - ESPN "Question No. 9: But you'd still love the NBA to incorporate the yellow/red card system for flagrant fouls and technical fouls, correct? Sure. Much better than an official leaning over a scorer's table and telling them what the technical or flagrant…
Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » What's Wrong With "Social Justice"? "If you really mean it, however, you have to seriously leave room for, even encourage, someone to answer the question, "Should we pursue social justice or be socially responsible" by saying, "No"." (tags: academia education…
Cat Macros - Post a comment LOLCat weighs in on the Russian acquisition of LiveJournal. (tags: silly pictures blogs internet) Hey Spot, You've Got Mail - New York Times Dogster: because pets need social networks, too. (tags: dog silly internet society) The A.V. Club's Third Annual…
Pop Quiz - Advanced Placement - Education Life - Interactive Quiz - A.P. Economics - Interactive Graphic - I got 14/18, which isn't all that bad if you consider that I never took economics at any level. (tags: economics business quiz) Think Progress » TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress To…