links for 2008-07-04


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Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: Early (Encouraging) Data on Early Colleges If you offer college courses to good high-school students, they do better in college. Also, grass tends to be green. (tags: education academia) Improbable Research The 2007 Ig Nobel…
Changing Courses at the Food Network - New York Times No more Emeril Live, but still more Rachel Ray. (tags: food television culture society economics) Polarization technique focuses limelight Rayleigh scattering off small particles in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet produces a…
New tests of the Copernican Principle proposed - ""I would bet my house now that the results will come out null so the Copernican Principle is valid on the scales we observe," says Paul Steinhardt a cosmologist at Princeton University, "But I think the experiments should be done…
Swans on Tea » Doomed to Fail "A thought experiment that finds a contradiction has only shown that the transforms have not been properly applied -- the author has made a math error, or made a bad assumption" (tags: physics relativity science education) Dark Matter Searches at Colliders - part…

Swans on Tea had a post about this a few days ago. I added the link to my page. I had no idea I'd grown up on James Bay, but I'm not surprised I actually live in Québec considering all the folks in speedos on the beach mumbling in French.