links for 2008-07-31


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US LHC Blog » Higgs Hunting News "Depending on what the mass of the Higgs boson is, it will decay into other particles that are easier or harder for an experiment to detect. So for example if the mass turns out to be about 170 GeV, the Tevatron experiments say their chances are almost 100…
Roger Ebert's Journal: Archives "In my case, I haven't taken a drink for 30 years, and this is God's truth: Since the first A.A. meeting I attended, I have never wanted to. Since surgery in July of 2006 I have literally not been able to drink at all. Unless I go insane and start pouring booze…
"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." -Mark Twain Back before the telescope was invented, Saturn was known as the Old Man of the Skies. The slowest-moving of the naked-eye planets, it's the only one that would reliably be in nearly the same location, year after…
Gesturing helps grade-schoolers solve math problems Hand-waving is the key to any calculation. (tags: academia education math) Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » In Which I Pick Some Nits A historian reads Novik's Temeraire books. (tags: books SF) slacktivist: Gay-Hatin' Gospel (pt. 5) The…

Thanks for the link! Re "calibration text": is that known, or perhaps common practice on probes of this kind? It was a guess on my part, one I wasn't sure enough to stick with; I suppose the alternatives are a "golf ball to the moon" type prank or a clever hack of some kind.