links for 2008-08-17


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Energy Secy advances nano science in spare time - San Jose Mercury News "This is Chu's second such meaty scientific paper in recent months, both published in the journal Nature. The first, published in February, was following Albert Einstein's general relativity theory and better measuring how…
slacktivist: L'affaire Waltke "This is a story about control. It is about, in the unintentionally candid terms of one of the main actors, "absolute authority" and the desire to wield that authority over a text so that the text, in turn, may be used to wield absolute authority over others. It is a…
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Hey back, "8^>) Empirical observation in existing apparatus operated under validated protocols trumps theory.

All symmetric constructions can be dissected into gapless chiral subsets, La Coupe du Roi. Ashtekar did it for General Relativity by 2002. Get some styrofoam balls, cut a Coupe du Roi of each hand. Try assembling one piece from each.

Take chemically identical atomic mass distributions (positions of atoms in quartz) in enantiomorphic crystallographic space groups P3(1)21 (right) and P3(2)21 (left). Put on two left shoes, close your eyes, try to walk a straight line.

If GR's symmetry is unsunderable a parity Eötvös experiment will null as have all composition and spin Eötvös experiments. Given any cleavage (Ashtekar) the Equivalence Principle is violated, string theory goes for a Burton (BRST invariance), conservation of angular momentum has an exception (chiral anisotropic space plus Noether's theorem).

400+ years of EP testing has unanimously nulled. No parity EP test has ever nulled. Is a chance of success outside physics' mainstream? Hell yes! Pity. Somebody should look.