links for 2008-08-27


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How to get a college roommate you can live with First and foremost, don't be a jerk yourself. (tags: academia education social-science psychology news) Want to Lower the Drinking Age? Hope You Like Spam :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs MADD-- all class,…
In Grad Admissions, Where Is Class? :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs "A study just published in PS: Political Science and Politics suggests that in graduate departments, class may be nowhere to be found in admissions decisions." (tags: academia class-war…
nanoscale views: A (serious) modest proposal "As part of the forthcoming major economic stimulus package, I propose that the Obama administration fully fund the America Competes initiative immediately." (tags: science politics academia economics) 'Teaching Unprepared Students' :: Inside Higher…
Scientopia A new non-profit science blog collective, including several people who left ScienceBlogs in Sodamageddon. (tags: science blogs internet academia) Experimental Error: Don't Try This at Home - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers "So if…

The article on the declining number of teenagers having sex shows the big drop under Bill Clinton with a bit of a bounce back under George Bush. They could have written this article eight years ago, but they would have had to say something nice about Bill Clinton.