Thursday Baby Blogging 082808

Here's your scaled baby picture for the week:


OK, "scaled" isn't entirely appropriate, as I haven't bothered to keep Appa a constant size in these, but it is the weekly picture of SteelyKid with her standard reference bison.

She continues to grow at an impressive rate, thanks to inheriting her father's appetite. Kate's been making a point to be extra careful about seeing that she doesn't swallow air, and burping her during and after feedings, so we've avoided any colicky outbursts for three nights running, hallelujah!

She did fuss a little at the 3 am feeding last night, perhaps out of concern over who's answering the White House phone at that hour, but she was easily soothed with a bit of holding and gentle agitation. There aren't a lot of things I'm happy to do at three in the morning, but weirdly, that's one of them...

Below the fold is a picture from when my parents and grandmother visited over the weekend:


I suppose a real four generations shot ought to have me in it, but this is the one we took, and I think it's pretty good.


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I must have one. Pronto.

(BTW i was out of town for 3 weeks. Congrats!!!!)

Standard Reference Bison (SRB?) is an awesome metric.

I have to admit, when I read "standard reference bison" I pronounced the last word "bi-zahn" in my head as if it were an elementary particle.

It took me a second to work out that you were referring to a stuffed animal and not one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.