Over-Stimulated Baby Blogging

SteelyKid is much too young for cartoons, but it's not to early to celebrate the weekend with a riot of bright colors and stylized animal shapes:


We had a really good morning of "Happy Awake Baby" (as opposed to "Happy Sleeping Baby" or "Screaming Awake Baby," which are more common), and she had a grand old time wiggling around and making gurgly noises in her little "play gym." This was aided somewhat by the absence of the dog, who spent the night at the vet's after having a messed-up nail removed-- that play gym is full of things that squeak and rattle and are generally indistinguishable from dog toys... When Emmy's around, it's a constant effort to keep her off it.

Now, SteelyKid has gone to sleep, and I'm off to rescue the Queen from durance vile...

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